Tuesday, November 05, 2013

Hattiesburg 2nd annual Halloween parade.

Last week was full of fun Halloween activities for our little family.  Every year, Papa and Gigi send Halloween costumes to our four littles, and they look forward to said costumes each year.  We never let them wear them until the week of Halloween, so the anticipation always builds!
Please allow me to introduce you:  First, our oldest and only son, Spiderman aka Carter.  Spiderman has been Carter's favorite superhero for a while now, so he was so excited to wear this costume for Halloween.  
Second, our oldest daughter, Pocohontas aka Summer.  Disney Princesses are a big hit at our house, and we just love Pocohontas.  
Our second daughter, Mulan (or Cafe as she is affectionately known at our house) aka Tilly.  Mulan has been Tilly's favorite Disney princess for as long as I can remember.  I am not even sure where the fascination began.  My mom gave her the Mulan doll one Christmas a few years ago, and she's just loved her ever since.  
And lastly, our baby girl, Princess Sofia aka Story!  Oh, how we love Princess Sofia at our house.  Her show on Disney Junior is the sweetest, just like her little self.  And the girl can sing! It just so happened that we already had an amulet on hand that went perfectly with her little costume.  
Sweet sisters.  So, for our first Halloween outing, we attended the 2nd annual Hattiesburg Halloween parade right in our very neighborhood.  
And here they are, all of them in all of their cuteness.  They wanted to go out to eat in public, so that people could "see them in their costumes!" How cute is that!  
We took them to Canes, and it was the perfect choice.  The workers made the night of our little ones.  They all came out to admire our little people, even the cookers in the back!  It was so cute! 
After prancing around in all their finery for the sweet people at Canes, we sat down to enjoy some yummy supper!
Canes was one of our favorites while we lived in New Orleans, and we are thrilled that Hattiesburg had one as well!
We finished up supper, and then we headed back to our neighborhood for the big parade.  
It got dark before the parade began, so I did not really take any pictures of the actual parade, but I did capture this sweet one amid the glare of the Hattiesburg Zoo sign.  The sweet college girls played "Little Sally Walker" with my girls for the longest time while we waited on the parade to make its way to our spot.  Such a fun night!

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