Tuesday, June 02, 2009

See you in a year. . .

These are the words spoken by Tilly's pediatric surgeon, Dr. Bussey, yesterday at our appointment. David and I took Tilly back to Scottish Rite for a follow-up ultrasound, the first one since her surgery. We have been praying for complete healing, restoration of her ovary, and that God would just cause the cyst to dissolve. It seems God has a different plan for us right now, which truthfully is not always easy to embrace even knowing and trusting that He is sovereign and in control. The cyst is still there. However, the great news is that the ovary looks good and the cyst has not grown. Even greater news is that Tilly is a healthy, happy, and growing baby! A lot can happen in a year. A lot of prayers can be spoken. A lot of healing can take place. A sweet baby girl can continue to grow and bring her Daddy, Mommy, brother and sister so much joy! Thank you, Lord, for sweet little Tilly. Teach us to place her life in Your hands.

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