Thursday, September 09, 2010

THREE preschoolers!

Can you believe it? We have THREE preschoolers this year! It does not seem possible. Wednesday was our first official day, and for the most part the day went very smoothly. Carter, Summer, and Tilly were so excited to go to school. This will be Carter's third year at The Heiskell School, Summer's second year, and Tilly's first year. Tuesday night we made sure all snacks and lunches were packed, all clothes were laid out neatly, and all little people were in bed early!
Summer, Carter, and Tilly on their first morning.
Carter, age 4
Summer, age 3
Tilly, age 2
I snapped this picture before school began today in the teacher's lounge. It's so hard to get a good picture where everyone is smiling at the camera or at least looking, ha!
Don't worry, Story is not to be forgotten. Tomorrow she will be 4 months old, so she will have a post all on her own. She's doing great though!

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