Friday, June 22, 2012

He's growing way too fast.

Our Internet has been showing out, and we've been on the go, so I have lots to blog. Too much to do from my phone for sure, as the internet still isn't up to par yet. However, I do want to share about how fast our not so little fella seems to be growing. Carter seriously has the best hair in our family, these darling chestnut curls that frame his handsome face. I fight for those curls to stay, too. Well, he was way overdue for a hair cut, but with the end of school and summer travels we just hadn't made the time for it. Big mistake. Huge. Our little fella took matters into his own hands, quite literally. Yes. He cut his hair. Yes. I flipped out. No. I'm not proud of it. And yes I apologized to him. Wouldn't you know it happened on a Saturday night with church being the next morning? Of course! We called our dear friend Bridget, and she came to our rescue. Sort of. She had to use the clippers. Gasp!
Here are some before and after pictures.

Look at that handsome head of hair!

Look at that still handsome boy with super short hair! Yes, he cut all the way up to his hairline. Thankfully, he cut it in a straight line ;). He was super embarrassed about what he did, so we haven't really made a big deal out of it. Well, not since it happened that is. He asked me not to tell anyone, but since he doesn't read my blog maybe it's okay to write about it here?

Then, just a few weeks after the hair debacle, his top teeth were somehow knocked loose during a game at church. I don't ask. Sometimes, it's better not to, right?

And just a few days later his first top tooth came out!! The tooth fairy was caught off guard, but thankfully she found a disposable camera in her stash along with a couple of dollars, whew! He was happy as can be with the loot he found under his pillow the next morning! I can't wait to develop the pictures he took while we were in New Orleans for the Southern Baptist Convention. Lots more summertime fun posts coming as soon as our Internet is up and running again.

-Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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