Saturday, August 23, 2014

Story is in preK!

Last week was jammed full of fun at our house.  The big 3 became adjusted to being at school all day every day.  Tilly celebrated her 6th (!) birthday, and Story had her last first day of preschool.  It was the last first day of preschool for our whole family, in fact.  That's a whole bunch for this momma's heart to take on, ha! 
The sweet teacher I am working for this year encouraged me to come in late so I could take this sweet thing to school on her first day.  Such a gift! You'll notice that we are all smiles and full of excitement, and I was so thankful.  This is a far cry from where we were last year.  
Story and Momma on her first day.  
Story with Daddy.  David took the big 3 to school and then came back home to pick up Story and me, so we could all go together.  I'll keep him.  
So the drop off didn't go as smoothly as I had hoped . . . Miss Gin had to pull Story off of my legs, and she cried, oh she cried.  And momma cried, too.  Whew!  Those first days can be kind of traumatic! My precious friend, Amy, sent me this picture of our two girls to assure me that Story was fine.  Such a sweet friend.  Story and Olly were together last year, and I am thrilled they are together again.  
And then, Miss Lisa, another dear friend sent me this picture of her with Story and Shelby on the playground to reassure me of a good day.  Miss Lisa is Story's assistant and Peyton's mom, Carter's BFF.  I love how the Lord is always in the details.  
When I picked my girl up after school she was all smiles, and even let me take her picture in front (literally) of the school sign since that did not happen that morning, ha! 
That's better.  Happy first day of preK, sweet girl!  We love you so much and are so very proud of you! 

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