Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Back up plan.

So, the plan is to take our Christmas pictures in New Orleans for our Christmas card this year. Honestly, it already freaks me out that they are not ordered, stuffed, embossed, stamped, and mailed by now, but I'm trying to roll with it. This weekend we are going back to New Orleans for David's graduation, his doctoral graduation, that is. I know, so exciting! However, all firstborn, extremely type A personalities have to have a back up plan, right? Of course we do! So, this past Sunday morning before Sunday School (thank goodness we did it before because Tilly's dress fell in the potty) we took our family pictures. Just in case. In case something crazy happens in New Orleans and we are not able to get a picture. I hope we do, an outside shot too because I'm not loving this indoor lighting. What I do love, however, are the people in this picture, more than life I love them.
Now, it's fine with me that David and I are the only ones looking at the camera. And it's also fine with me that Carter and Summer are singing. They love to sing!
I love how adoringly Tilly is looking up at her big brother as he continues to sing. And I love how Summer is laughing at someone behind the photographer. And Story, she just looks a little freaked out.
I think in this one David decided to join in on Carter's song, though for the life of me I can't remember what it was.
The girls are looking at someone over my head, who I'm sure is trying to make them smile, but is too far away from the lens. I do love how Story is holding Summer's hand though. Love it!
Story just seemed way overwhelmed by the whole thing. Maybe it was all the Christmas decorations of the church, or maybe it was because her brother and sisters were freaking out because she was sitting up all alone!
I love how Tilly looks so angelic in this picture. I think, if you look carefully, you can see her halo.
I loooove this picture of Summer, so sweet and girly.
And finally, our handsome boy. This was actually our second trip to the sanctuary to have his picture made, as he was WAY too silly the first time.
So, hopefully, between these and our pictures from NOLA, we will find the perfect picture for our Christmas card this year. If not, then I'm just thankful for the people in the picture.

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