Monday, February 14, 2011

My valentines.

This is my first valentine and the most important one. He was about to head out to do our weekly grocery shopping (I know, I am spoiled, completely rotten), and I had already changed out of my church clothes, but I wanted my picture made with him because when I think about love and Valentine's Day, he comes first. He loves me better and bigger and deeper than anyone, even when I don't deserve it. He is such a beautiful example to me of how Christ loves the church, and I am so thankful that our children see that example in him. I pray that God will equip me to love him and encourage him and help him, this one who was created for me. I'm so thankful for my first valentine, especially because he gave me four little valentines, whom I also love with every fiber of my being.
Today, after church I wanted to get a picture of the children all dressed up in their reds and pinks, so I had David take a picture of my four little valentines. He teases me saying that as our children grow up, every time they are asked to sit on the couch, they are going to think I'm planning to take their picture! It's the only place where I can keep all four of them still for a minute!
So, here I am with my four little valentines. SO thankful for each one of them and the joy they bring to my life. I love Carter for his deep perception of life and what is going on around him. He is so very thoughtful and compassionate. I pray that God will continue to work on his little heart and mold it into a heart for Him. I love Summer for her quirky ways and deep belly laughs. She has this uninhibited nature that I adore. I pray that God will tap into her free spirit and use it for His glory. I love Tilly for the way she loves. Last night as I was getting ready to go on a date with David, she said, Mommy, you so beautiful! I didn't even know she knew that word. I love that she still wants me to hold her. I pray that God will use her love for people to reach others for Him. Story, our sweet baby Story. I love the way her eyes light up and how delighted she is when she sees David and me. I pray God will cause her to delight in Him all the days of her life.

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