Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Story's 9 month stats.

Yesterday, after school I took Story for her 9 month well check up. It just so happened that I had my camera on hand (thanks to Valentine's parties at school), so I was able to snap a couple of pictures of this little cutie.
Story weighs 19.5 pounds, 65th percentile.
Her height is 29 inches, 95th percentile.
Heart, lungs, ears, everything looked perfect. So thankful for a happy, healthy baby.
Last week, when I did her 9 month blog, I posted that she was getting her fifth tooth, but boy was I mistaken! She is cutting all kinds of teeth at once, her 7th tooth (4 on top, 3 on bottom) just broke through on her 9 month birthday. David and I remember the other children doing the same thing once they started getting teeth, they all seemed to come in at once!
Happy 9 months, Story!

1 comment:

Cari said...

I cannot wait to get my hands on her!!! :) Soon!!!!!