Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Better late than never. . .

The Monday after Christmas holidays, David and I had a very special and important doctor's visit. He picked me up at school just after lunch with a large sweet tea in hand, and off we went to Atlanta Ob/gyn. We waited, what felt like forever, and then we were finally called back! By this time, I was 21 weeks along, and due to the Christmas holidays, we were a week later getting to our 20 week ultrasound. Our technician took her time looking at the baby to make sure all was well, and indeed it was! We are so thankful! I drank the sweet tea ahead of time in hopes that our baby would move and allow us to see the gender. Well, we were worried for a while that we could not see. I guess she had to go to the potty too because she kept her little legs crossed up until the very end! That's right, she and her!
It's a GIRL!
We are so excited and so thankful to welcome another sweet baby girl into our home. Carter is definitely going to be the prince of the palace, and his precious reaction when we told him tells me that he is more than ready to accept his princely duties. That night before bedtime, we pulled out the ultrasound pictures to share with Carter and Summer. Tilly was long asleep by this time. When David told them it was a baby girl, Carter jumped up and down with the sweetest smile on his face shouting, "It's a girl! It's a girl!" What a sweet moment! Summer was so excited too, and she told me very seriously that she does not have a baby in her tummy right now, not yet, Mommy, not yet! So sweet! Thank you, Lord, for children who have the sweetest hearts and who truly love and enjoy each other. Baby Girl has yet to be named, but we look forward to sharing that with you once we decide. For those of you who know us well, you know how special our children's names are and the stories behind each one. You can read Tilly's story here. For now, we are thanking the Lord for another healthy and apparently big baby girl, as she weighed over a pound at our 20 week visit. We are praying for her continued health and for a smooth delivery. Thank you for sharing in this wonderful news with our family. We are blessed to become parents to another sweet baby!
20 week ultrasound photo - profile shot. I love her sweet mouth and nose.
Here she is arching her back and opening her mouth. She was very active during the ultrasound, which was so much fun to see!

Her sweet, not so little foot! Unfortunately, she will come by big feet honestly from her mommy and daddy! Maybe she will be a baller!

Another profile shot of our baby girl!

1 comment:

Cari said...

O I can't wait to kiss her and hold her! Thanks for sharing the stories of Carter and Summer and the pictures. Love it all. Looks like Baby Girl could be a May-Day baby or maybe even a Cinco De Mayo baby with her measuring big! Very exciting! Can't wait to have another niece. I'll need my girl fix after living with 2 boys! :)