Sunday, April 10, 2011

Happy 11 months, Story!

Happy 11 months, Story!
We can hardly believe you are almost ONE! Let's see what you're up to at 11 months:
  • You are wearing size 18 month clothes, size 4 diapers, and size 3 shoes.
  • You have sandy brown hair and big blue eyes.
  • You now have 8 teeth, four on top and four on bottom. We think that your molars may come in soon, too.
Clearly, your big brother, Carter, continues to adore you. I think you like him just a little bit, too!
  • You are sleeping from 6pm-8am most nights, taking two naps a day, morning and afternoon. Your morning nap is usually just an hour, and your afternoon is 2.5-3 hours.
  • You are talking more and signing, too. Some words you are saying: hi, bye, Momma, Daddy, Papa, and you have a word that you say for Carter, but I can't even begin to spell it. You say something that sounds like hi there, and there she is, when we play peek-a-boo.
  • You love to be outside, and we have been spending lots of time out now that the weather is nice and warm.
  • You love to play pat-a-cake, peek-a-boo, and you try to do anything your siblings are doing. You always just want to be right where they are.
  • You love these Mardi Gras beads, and it scares me silly! Funny how little girls just know what to do with necklaces!
  • You are pulling up and walking on all the furniture. Your first place to stand alone was the bath tub, scary!
Maybe, just maybe, your parents allowed you
to have your first taste of a cupcake! And, I'd say it was a big hit!
  • You love to eat. You are eating all table foods now with the occasional yo toddler and oatmeal. You are down to 3 bottles of formula, and next week we are going to start supplementing whole milk in with your formula. I can hardly believe it's time.
Here you are at your first 5K, cheering on Mommy and Daddy. You were such a good sport this day by spending a large part of the morning in your car seat. You love to watch people, so you were entertained for sure.
And finally, here's the monthly picture of you with your brother and sisters. My how all of you have grown over this last year!
Happy 11 months, Story! We love you to the moon and back.

1 comment:

Cari said...

Sweet post! Happy 11 months, Story!! You are getting so big. Can't wait to see you at the beach. Love you all!!