Tuesday, April 05, 2011

My Lenten project, week 4.

Day 22. Thankful to be able to attend Muffins for Mommy at The Heiskell School with this pretty girl today. Thankful to be her mommy! And Carter, and Tilly, and Story!
Day 23. Thankful for pretty flowers drawn by a handsome fella for his mommy!
Day 24. Thankful for fun family traditions like riding The Pink Pig at Christmastime. I love making memories with our party of six.
Day 26. Thankful to look out across the audience while the Atlanta Opera performs at school and be able to see this handsome face in the crowd. Thankful to be able to introduce our children to fine arts at a young age.Day 27. Thankful for this sweet lady, Miss Bonnie. I lived with her for 6 months before David and I were married. She is absolutely precious to me. SO thankful to have her meet Story and the rest of our children the last time we went to Marmaduke.
Day 28. Thankful for Mr. and Mrs. Heiskell who were obedient to God's calling on their lives to start a school so many years ago. Thankful to be on staff at The Heiskell School. Even more thankful to have my children attending such a school, where God's Word is proclaimed daily!

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