Back in February, I began planning a trip to see my grandmother. And then the tornado came. The big one. I cannot really describe it other than to say I did not want the six of us to be separated by many miles for a while. So, I put off the trip. And put it off some more. March came and went. And April began and almost got away from me! So, I decided it was time. I needed some Mama time. I needed some Georgia time. There's just something about being home. Seeing pine trees and pecan trees for miles. Dirt roads around every corner. About a week before my trip, my grandmother in her sweet way asked me if I would also bring Tilly on my trip. I always take Story with me when I go for a visit, but Mama was wanting some Tilly time. Can you blame her? Have you been around my Tilly girl for an extended period of time? She's quite the charmer! Besides, how in the world do you tell your 82 year old grandmother "no?" You don't. So, last Monday, Tilly, Story and I hit the road. We took Carter and Summer to school first, so we could say bye to them and we headed east.

We got to have lunch with this sweet girl. Jen was in my FUGE group back during the summer of 2000 in Charleston, SC. She was actually in my group the same week that David's church was at camp. You know the story. . .

Anyway, this pretty thing lives in Montgomery, so we stopped there and had lunch with her. The girls played on the playground, and I got to catch up with my friend. So refreshing. Then, we hit the road again. We stopped for gas and a potty break in Warner Robbins, and we didn't stop again until we landed on Turpentine Drive at Mama's house. Great riders, my girls are. Yes, indeed!

Mama was sitting on the back porch in her swing waiting on us with supper hot on the stove. That's love, y'all! She has not seen Tilly in over a year. Last summer Mama got really sick and fell a few times, so we weren't able to make a trip over to see her. Story and I went last October, and that's the last time we've been until now. She looks really good and seems to be getting around so much better than she was back in the fall. In fact, she's able to get around for the most part only using her cane. I'm thankful. She has my heart, and I just cannot imagine life without her. I don't want to either.

This fella had to come over and see us girls on his way home from work. Tilly took right to him as you can see. Story was having none of it. I don't know if she was different because Tilly was there or not, but she was really bashful and didn't want to have much to do with anyone. Except me, ha! She's my girl. I'm going to be a hot mess when she starts school in the fall.

I took this picture for David. He would declare it's the nectar of the gods. Mama's sweet tea is famous! Story is already hooked. I may or may not have put it in her sippy cup. You do crazy things by the time you get to #4! Story asked for it every morning first thing. That's when I knew we might have a problem! Don't worry, I made her wait until lunchtime.

These two sweet things had the best time and played together so well. I told Mama that at our house, three is not really a crowd, but four definitely is! Any combination of three plays really well together and sometimes they all do, but a lot of times the fourth one becomes a crowd.

The weather could not have been more perfect. It was pretty cool in the mornings and evenings and warm during the day, but not too hot.

We spent the better part of the week taking Mama wherever she wanted to go, or "Driving Miss Daisy" as I call it! My uncles are so good to take her to the doctor and to the grocery store and to get her hair cut. I thought it would be great to take a load off of them for the week. Thankfully, Mama didn't have any appointments, so we were able to play. And play, we did. The first day, we drove to Swainsboro to see my Aunt Grace. She is one of my late grandfather's two sisters who is still living. The second day, we drove to see the other sister, Aunt Lois. I loved watching Mama and Aunt Annette visit with Aunt Lois and Aunt Grace. It was quite sweet and humorous at times. Picture three "older" ladies who have a little trouble with their ears trying to talk to each other! Cute!

Aunt Lois has these two fruit trees growing in her yard. She assured the girls and me that the fruit is definitely edible, so we sat outside and ate it right up. I would love to know what this is if any of you know, please comment! They are small like a kumquat, but much better tasting. They are soft like a fig, with a little bit of a fuzzy peeling. They taste sweet and delicious.

Thursday was our last full day together. First, we rode over to see my grandmother's brother, Lemuel, and his wife, Grace. His garden is so impressive, don't you think? Tilly had the best time playing with their grand-dog, Harley. For a moment, it made me think an inside dog might be fun, but it only lasted a moment. He sure was sweet though.

After our visit with the Deals, we went to see two of Mama's dearest friends, Miss Pete and Miss JoAnn. I am so thankful for those sweet ladies and how precious they have been to my grandmother. Another treat for the week was picking up my cousin, Keri, after school for two days and getting to visit with her. I am so sad that I did not take a picture of her with the girls. They had the best time playing and painting finger nails and little toes. Keri is such a good girl. I can only hope my girls are as sweet as she is when they are in junior high. Either that or maybe Jesus will just come on back!

Mama, she's one of my most favorite people in the whole wide world. I am sad to think that she won't make it over to Mississippi to see and experience our life here. I am so thankful to David for rearranging his schedule for the week, so that I could go spend time with her. We had the most fun watching the Braves, one of my favorite things to do with her. It doesn't hurt that they are killing it right now. We shall see if it lasts. On Thursday night, we stayed up talking until after 11:00. I think neither of us wanted the night to end, knowing that morning would come much too soon and bring about our departure. I never leave her house without crying all the way to Metter!

After a yummy breakfast made with Uncle Joey, I hit the road with my two little loves. We stopped for a potty break and snack in Phoenix City, AL, lunch in Montgomery, gas just outside of Mobile, and we made it home at exactly 4:00. I'm so very thankful for another week spent with Mama and so thankful for yet another safe trip on the road. He is so gracious that way. It was good to be home in Georgia. It was even better to be with the ones who make it so sweet.
1 comment:
I loved this post since I remember your grandmother and the her home!
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