Our fourth week was the most fun! We got to see so many sweet friends, and my heart is still full from so much love!

Monday, we met the Freeman family at CFA for lunch. What a treat! They were traveling through on their way to LA and asked if we could meet. Ummm, yes! The Freemans were members of our church in Marietta, where David served as Pastor to Young Families. We love them up!

Evan and Carter.

My friend. I just love this girl. She is hilarious and just tells it like it is, and I love her for it!

Tuesday at 8AM (what was I thinking scheduling appointments for 8AM in the summertime!) all four little loves had appointments to get their teeth cleaned. It was Story's first time. She did really well. We may or may not have held hands the entire time, ha! There was a little moment where she fretted a little during the polishing time, but we pressed on and got it done! Whew! Two more well check ups, and we will be done for this summer!

Wednesday after lunch, we hit the ground running north to Marmaduke, Arkansas, the place where David and I first lived after getting married. David was serving as the youth pastor of Marmaduke FBC when we met in July 2000. After a whirlwind courtship, we married and began our life in this small town in Northeast Arkansas. We left there in March of 2003 and have been back to visit several times. This time was extra special because it has been 10 years since we were there. Wow, the time is really flying! On the way there, we stopped at Waffle House in Grenada, MS to eat supper. This was another first! The kids loved sitting up at the counter and watching the cookers do their thing.

It wasn't long before we crossed over into Tennessee, but just for a moment.

And then we were here.

On our way to the Long's house for the night, we drove by this place. Where it all began. . . David will be the first to tell you that he is where he is today in ministry because of this place and the people who are there. I'm pretty thankful for them, too. You see, before David was ever hired, it was scheduled for MFBC to attend MFUGE in Charleston, SC in July 2000, where I would happen to be on staff for the summer! That's a love story, y'all!

We spent two whole days doing this right here. It was amazing!

On the evening of July 4, we introduced our children to their first every wienie roast! Oh, how I love the ones gathered in this picture.

There's just something about eating hot dogs on the 4th of July that just goes together, don't you think?

It didn't hurt that there were s'mores for dessert, too!

After supper, Brother Kim treated the kids, big and little, on a Ranger ride! Too fun!

There's always room for just one more marshmallow, right?

We also spent lots of time making ourselves pretty. Miss Lorie let us use this cool toy that buffs your feet smooth, so fun! Even Story got to try!

Friday night, we had another fun get together that included a yummy supper courtesy of Miss Janet and lots of fun time with sweet friends. These children had the most fun playing together all week!

Saturday morning while the boys were away, the girls wanted to play. With their new friend, Heidi. I love that there are still places where your children can play outside and walk to their friend's house without fear.

This might possibly be one of my favorite pictures of the week. Mr. Chuck took David, Carter, and Carson out on the water for a little ride. My excited little fella even got to drive the boat!

Carter and Carson with Mr. Chuck

I'm not sure what it is with boys and sticks, but they sure do like 'em!

Saturday night, we were treated to a baseball game in Memphis to watch the Redbirds play.

Carter and Summer with Rocky the Redbird just before the game. Tilly and Story were having none of this, ha!

I heart this picture. This was Story and Tilly's first professional baseball game. They have been to watch some college games, but never the big league. Carter and Summer got to go see the Braves play while we were still living in Atlanta.

The park is super kid friendly complete with a playground and lots of fun games for the children to play.

I'm sad this is blurry, but what you can't see is that we made it on the big screen at the game! So fun!

Lucky for us, the Redbirds won! It was a great game!

This was Story's favorite seat during the game, Miss Lorie's lap!

After the game, there was a beautiful fireworks show. We headed home to Marmaduke for the night. Sunday morning, David had the privilege of preaching at MFBC. It was so great to see so many of our dear friends.

This sweet lady joined us for worship. Miss Kathy was my boss at the Bank of Paragould, where I worked for the two years that we lived in Marmaduke. Oh, how I love her! It was such a treat to see her!

He may or may not be quite smitten with this beautiful girl. He's asked me more than once if I have printed this picture of him yet! So cute! Can you blame him?!?

David and Brother Kim. He is the pastor of MFBC and married David and me in January, 2002. We love this man!

Another shot of some sweet friends.

Here we are with the Long girls, our hostesses for the week. These girls are just so precious to David and me. When we lived in Marmaduke, they were wee little things and would come over and stay with us from time to time. Their favorite thing to do was to paint David's fingers and toes. That may or may not have happened during our visit. I'll never tell, ha!

Miss Bonnie! I love this woman like she is mine. And she is. While David and I were dating long distance, I would stay at her house when I would come to visit. And once we were engaged and I moved to Marmaduke, I lived with her for 6 months before we were married. I adore her and am so thankful I was able to see her for a minute.

My sweet friend, Nikki! We had a wonderful time this week catching up while catching some rays at her parent's pool. She is so dear to me!

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