Thursday, July 30, 2009

Check Out These Stats

Today, David and I took Carter and Summer for their yearly checkups with Dr. G. David, because I knew Summer at least was getting shots and I don't do needles, even though I have birthed 3 babies and have been stuck many times. The first time Carter had to have shots at 2 months old was traumatic. Keep in mind, he was our first, so we knew nothing, but I was devastated first by the number of shots that he was given in one sitting and second by having to hold him down! None of the books I read before he was born told me about that! It was terrible; I cried more and harder than he did. That being said, Daddy is usually along for the shots and boy am I thankful!
So, I will start with Summer for two reasons. One, we are teaching Carter that ladies are first at our house, especially since he and Daddy are out-numbered and two because my girl is a rock star! Summer weighed 32 pounds putting her in the 100% for her age. She is 37 1/2 inches tall putting her once again in the 100%. Wow! She has been off the chart since she was born and we are happy to report that she is staying very nicely with her curve. Now for the rock star moment. As I shared Summer had to get a shot, HIB. I was prepared for several shots, remember we brought Daddy along, but she only had to have the one. Let me interject and say that I am receiving this knowledge secondhand because I did not stick around to see. The nurse pulled up Summer's shorts to give her the shot in the leg. My girl did not flinch nor did she utter a sound. In fact, the pulled up her shorts on the other leg to help the nurse out! Mommy and Daddy were so proud!
Carter did great too. He had to have his blood pressure taken for the first time, so he went out of the room with the nurse all by himself. She brought him back and reported that he was awesome! We already knew that though; he is ours! Carter weighs 35 pounds putting him in the 75% for his age. He is a whopping 40 inches tall putting him in the 95% for his age. As Dr. G. was examining Carter we likened this visit to the Curious George episode when George and the man with the yellow hat go to the doctor. Everything Dr. G did to Carter today, he would say, "like George!" It was really cute! As if today was not exciting enough, we had a surprise visitor. I will post more about that tomorrow with pictures, since I have none from our doctor's visit today. We are so thankful that we have growing and healthy babies!


Casey said...

Isn't it crazy how fast they grow? Summer is a rock-star....Chloe only weighs about 28 or 29 lbs and she's about 6 months older than Summer! Miss you guys!

Cari said...

That is crackin me up about Summer! She is something else. Thanks for sharing the stats....