Friday, July 17, 2009

Summer Journey O'Dell

Happy Birthday Summer! You are TWO today! We cannot believe how fast the years are going by. This slide show contains some of our favorite pictures of you over the last two years. Daddy, Carter, Tilly and I love you so very much!
Summer Journey O'Dell was born on July 17, 2007, at 9:40 A.M. at Northside Hospital in Atlanta, Georgia. She weighed 9 pounds 4 ounces 21 inches. Summer has brought so much joy and love into our home. In honor of her second birthday, here are 10 things I adore about Summer.
  1. She has NO fear. She will try anything and do anything. It is amazing. Last weekend we were swimming at a neighbor's pool and she jumped off the diving board! We were shocked! (Daddy was in the deep end to catch her)
  2. She loves Carter and Tilly so much. Summer wants to do everything Carter does and she loves to take care of Tilly.
  3. Summer could not look more like her daddy if she tried. It is uncanny! I love that when I look at her I see so much of him! She has nothing of me save a freckle on her hip!
  4. She has no concept of personal space. She likes to get right up in your face when she is talking to you so that you can give her your undivided attention. She loves to give full on the mouth kisses too; those are the best!
  5. She has the sweetest smile you have ever seen. When she does something wrong, she will smile and say, "Hey Mommy!" and give me a big hug! Uh-oh!
  6. I love her big brown eyes! They are so dark brown you cannot even see her pupils. She has eyelashes that most girls pay for!
  7. She is going to be such a great mommy one day. Summer loves to cook in her kitchen and she loves to feed and take care of her babies.
  8. Summer will eat ANYTHING! I am so thankful for this trait. I never have to worry about pleasing her with food.
  9. At night when I tuck her in, she gives the best hugs. She puts her little arms around my neck and presses her cheek right up next to mine and holds on SO tight. I love it!
  10. She is ours! I am SO thankful that the Lord saw fit to give us baby Summer two years ago today.

1 comment:

Cari said...

Happy Birthday Summer Journey! We love you and miss you tons!!

Love, Juie and Cory